Labor & Industries Contractor Licenses

Jurisdiction: Washington State
Source: Washington State Department of Labor & Industries

This dataset includes 135 thousands contractor licenses registered with Washington State Department of Labor & Industries.

PO BOX 93 · Search Result

Contractor Name Principal Office Address Effective Date
Bent Metal Services LLC Port, Matthew Simon Po Box 93, Twisp, WA 98856 2020-05-20
Honey Do Handyman LLC Hargrave, Cheryl Louise Po Box 93, Ridgefield, WA 98642 2019-09-06
Tvh Exteriors Inc Van Hee, Todd Brian Po Box 93, Corbett, OR 97019 2018-10-17
Eagle Construction LLC Martinez, Josefina Rico Po Box 93, Monitor, WA 98836 2017-07-31
Maynard Woodworking Maynard, Herbert Lee Po Box 93, Joyce, WA 98343 2016-03-31
Keith Monteith Monteith, Keith Douglas Po Box 93, Acme, WA 98220 2016-01-25
Tvh Exteriors Inc Van Hee, Todd Brian Po Box 93, Corbett, OR 97019 2014-09-26
Tjh Construction Hauan, Tyler J Po Box 93, Electric City, WA 99123 2014-06-04
Custom By Design Ricketts, David Paul Po Box 93, Issaquah, WA 98027 2013-05-03
Otis Childers Construction Childers, Otis A Po Box 93, Leavenworth, WA 98826 2005-05-06
Poulsbo Heating Company Lee, Brenda K Po Box 93, Poulsbo, WA 98370 2002-12-23